Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Thio-organique

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Margaux Elie a reçu le prix SCF de la meilleure communication orale

Margaux Elie, doctorante dans le groupe du Pr. Jean-Luc Renaud, a reçu le prix SCF de la meilleure communication orale lors de la  journée de l’Ecole Doctorale Normande de Chimie.

Voici un résumé de sa communication:

Design of (NHC)Cu(I) complexes bearing pyridine-based ligands for applications in luminescent materials

Margaux ELIE,a,b Jean-Luc RENAUD,a,b and Sylvain GAILLARDa,b,*

aNormandie University, University of Caen Normandie, Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Thioorganique, 14050 Caen, France.

bCNRS, UMR 6507, 14050 Caen, France.

 We developed new cationic tricoordinated copper complexes bearing an NHC and a bidentate pyridine-based ligand [Cu(NHC)(N^N)][X] which exhibit luminescence in solid state.[1],[2] Varying the electronic properties of both NHC and N^N ligands, we established some structure – properties relationships, supported by structural, photophysical and TD-DFT studies. We demonstrated that the luminescence of these copper complexes was a combination of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) and phosphorescence. Thanks to the high quantum yields of some complexes, their application in Light emitting Electrochemical Cells (LECs) was considered. We report in this presentation, to the best of our knowledge, the first blue LECs devices incorporating copper complexes.2

[1] Marion, R.; Sguerra, F.; Di Meo, F.; Sauvageot, E.; Lohier, J.-F.; Daniellou, R.; Renaud J.-L.; Linares, M.; Hamel, M. Gaillard, S. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 9181-9191.

[2] Elie, M.; Sguerra, F.; Di Meo, F.; Weber, M. D.; Marion, R.; Grimault, A.; Lohier, J.-F.,Stallivieri, A.; Brosseau, A.; Pansu, R. B.; Renaud, J.-L.; Linares, M.; Hamel, M.; Costa, R. D.; Gaillard, S. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 14678-14691.

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